Q&A with Eloise Head

Eloise Head, AKA Fitwaffle, is a content creator, business owner, recipe developer, and entrepreneur. She creates simple, indulgent, and easy-to-follow recipe videos for social media, specifically Fitwaffle’s biggest platforms Instagram, TikTok and YouTube, where Eloise has built a combined following of over 3.5 million.

At SocialDay 2021, Eloise will be heading up an exciting panel on Influencers: Everything You Need to Know, where she’ll be joined by the likes of Fanbytes’ Joe Saw and Billion Dollar Boy’s Edward East. Until then though, you can get to know Eloise a little better with this Q&A with SocialDay!

Hi Eloise! First off, do you have a favourite social media platform and why?

Instagram is probably my favourite social media platform, as it’s the one I first started Fitwaffle on and it was the platform that allowed me to do what I love as a full-time job. I also love that I’m able to post, photos, videos, stories and interact with my audience via direct messages.

If you had to describe yourself using 3 emojis what would they be?


What’s the best part of your job?

The best part of my job is being able to reach and interact with so many people across the world through my content. I love being able to make people happy through my videos and I absolutely love seeing people recreate my recipes.

And what’s the most challenging aspect of your job?

The most challenging part is that it’s non-stop. There is no switching off most of the time and there are no set hours. It’s always on my mind and it can be hard to ever take a proper break away from everything.

What 3 pieces of advice would you give to other influencers starting out in their careers now?

Have a look at what others are doing really well in your niche, find out why they’re doing well and start there. One of the biggest keys to getting seen on these platforms is great content.

Be consistent. It takes time to build a following and every time you post it’s another chance for someone new to find you.

Be genuine. Talk about and post about what you truly love and truly believe in. Don’t post just to get ‘likes’, as it’s likely you won’t be able to keep this up long-term.

And finally, what are you most excited about for SocialDay 2021?

I’m super excited to be able to actually go to an in-person event and interact with like-minded people. I’m also really looking forward to learning more about the guests, they’re stories and take on their advice.

Thanks Eloise!

If you’d love to find out more of Eloise’s top tips for influencers and brands working with influencers, then make sure to attend the Everything You Need to Know About Influencers panel at SocialDay 2021. Get your 3-day ticket here!


Q&A with Edward East


Q&A with Michael Boccacino