Speaker Spotlight: Q&A with Jessica Thomas Co-Founder at Merse Advisory

The countdown is on to SocialDay Festival 2022: the event helping social media marketers do their jobs better. We’ve been working on an incredible line-up this year, with speakers from the major social media platforms, biggest brands and most up-and-coming agencies.

One of these speakers is Jessica Thomas who will be speaking on the Metaverse and Social Media Marketing Panel.

Jessica says her focus is on how companies can leverage web3 and metaverse opportunities to reach new audiences and provide enhanced services to their current customers.

One of the key factors here is education, something which is key to decision-making in this relatively new industry. Every project her company start includes an education piece that gives clients the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions moving forward. Jessica’s main focus is ensuring clients are not focused on vanity projects and establishing that their decision to enter the metaverse is a strategic one with clear ROI.

Let’s learn more about Jessica and her session.

First off, what do you love most about SocialDay Forum?

I like the diversity within the speaker and panel groups, as well as the attendees.

We are really looking forward to your session, what are the key takeaways?

A better-educated audience on the potential opportunities, how to ensure their metaverse strategy is going to deliver, and how to go-to-market.

What’s the most exciting thing you’ve seen on social media in the last 12 months?

It has to be the popularisation of web3 and metaverse projects. The potential for decentralisation and moving away from traditional social media.

What challenges do you feel you will be facing in the coming years in your role?

Education is key, we have a lot of clients that come to us with projects that have no strategy behind them because they want to jump on the metaverse bandwagon without any real understanding of the market and the opportunities out there. The expectation from clients as to the possibilities is far surpassing where the technology is currently at, so my hope is that the technology catches up with people’s imaginations.

Finally, what would you like to see happen in social media in the future?

True interoperability and decentralisation, which to be honest I think it quite a way off.

Thank you Jessica! We can’t wait to hear more from you on the 14th of September. Learn more about Jessica and Merse Advisory and connect on Linkedin

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